Our Team
We have a dedicated team who undertake key roles at St Mary's to support our vicar and to contribute to the life of our church
We have a dedicated team who undertake key roles at St Mary's to support our vicar and to contribute to the life of our church
Our Priest in Charge: Revd Heather Wilcox Tel: 01206 240906, mob: 07503 151715, email RevHWilcox@outlook.com
Our Priest in Charge: Revd Heather Wilcox Tel: 01206 240906, mob: 07503 151715, email RevHWilcox@outlook.com
Our curate: Rev'd Emma Barr
Our Church Wardens: Peter & Caroline Finlay 07926 387551 & Kate & Stephen Penrose 07973 421306
Our Church Wardens: Peter & Caroline Finlay 07926 387551 & Kate & Stephen Penrose 07973 421306
Our Licensed Lay Ministers: Richard Chadborn 01206 240541, Michael Foster 01206 241022, Joy Budden 01206 241871 & Liz Dixon 07914 001212
Our Licensed Lay Ministers: Richard Chadborn 01206 240541, Michael Foster 01206 241022, Joy Budden 01206 241871 & Liz Dixon 07914 001212
Our Parish Evangelist: Ronnie Seymour - 07772 241178
Our Parish Evangelist: Ronnie Seymour - 07772 241178
Our 6 Parishes Church Administrator: Donna Luxton 01206 243683, email 6parishescolchester@gmail.com. Usual office hours (Monday - Friday between 10am and 12pm
Our 6 Parishes Church Administrator: Donna Luxton 01206 243683, email 6parishescolchester@gmail.com. Usual office hours (Monday - Friday between 10am and 12pm